Key features: Rainfast, IPM suitable, fast acting and pronounced larvicidal activity.
Recommended Rates:
-Cabbages (Diamond Back Moth): Use 3-4ml/20 Litres water (75-100ml/Ha in 400-500 litres water). Spray once the pest is noticed and repeat after 7-14 days, depending on pest pressure and re-infestation.
-Roses (Caterpillars/Bollworms): Use 8-10ml per 100 Litres water (75-100ml/Ha in 800-1500 Litres water). Spray once the pest is noticed and repeat after 7-14 days, depending on pest pressure and re-infestation.
-Tomatoes (Tuta Absoluta): Use 4ml/20 Litres water (100ml/Ha in 500 litres water). Spray once the pest is noticed.
Composition: Flubendiamide 480g/L
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