It is effective against a wide range of fungal diseases including scab, powdery mildews, canker, Botrytis and Sclerotinia spp., leaf spot diseases, and Fusarium spp. on vegetables, fruits and flowers.
Recommended Rates:
-Tomatoes (Early and late blight, powdery mildew, sclerotia rot, fusarium wilt, and leaf mold): Use 30-40g per 20 Litre.
-Potatoes: (Late blight, sclerotia rot): Use 40-50g per 20 Litre of water. Begin in early bloom and repeat at 10 days interval.
-Cucumber & Watermelon (Powdery mildew, downy mildew, scab, sclerotia stem rot, anthracnose, fusarium wilt, grey mold: Use 30-40g/20 Litres of water. Begin at early stages of disease and 7-10 days interval.
-Wheat (powdery mildew, Cercospora leaf spot and septoria leaf spot, fusarium blight): Use 15-20g per 20 Litre of water. Repeated sprays 10-14 days apart may be necessary.
-Flowers (Botrytis): Use 30g/20 Ltr.
PHI: 3-14 days; WHO Class IV.
Compatibility: Compatible with most commonly used pesticides except alkaline and copper containing compounds.
Composition: Thiophanate methyl 20% + Maneb 50%
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