Key features:
-Environmentally friendly new generation molecule leaving little or no soils residues.
-Less toxic to soil organisms and the applicator compared to other chemicals of the same purpose.
-Fast action with the ability to kill weeds in 24 -48 hours of application.
-Ability to be used in young plantations with minimal damage compared to its opponents.
Recommended Rates:
-Tea, coffee fields: use 2 Litres per Ha.
-Coffee, Cocoa, palm trees: Use 3 litre/Ha.
-Bananas, Passion fruits and Citrus: Use 2.5 Litres per Ha.
-Potatoes and sunflower (as a desiccant): Use 2.5 -3 Litres per Ha.
Composition: Glufosinate ammonium 200g/L
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