Showing all 11 results
Amistar 250 SC -5 Ltr
Amistar 250 SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases such as rusts, scalds, spot blotch and leaf blotch in wheat, rice, barley, maize, coffee, beans, onions and other vegetables.
Eazole 25EC Fungicide -1Ltr
Eazole 25EC is a systemic foliar fungicide for the control of yellow rust of wheat, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose in French beans, coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in coffee and grey leaf spot (GLS) in maize.
Efficient 20EC Fungicide -1Ltr
Efficient 20EC is a systemic foliar fungicide for the control of yellow rust of wheat, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose in French beans, coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in coffee and grey leaf spot (GLS) in maize.
Harvestor XL 250 SC -1 Ltr
Harvestor XL 250 SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases such as rusts, scalds, spot blotch and leaf blotch in wheat, rice, barley, maize, coffee, beans, onions and other vegetables.
Harvestor XL 250 SC -100ml
Harvestor XL 250 SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases such as rusts, scalds, spot blotch and leaf blotch in wheat, rice, barley, maize, coffee, beans, onions and other vegetables.
Harvestor XL 250 SC -250ml
Harvestor XL 250 SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases such as rusts, scalds, spot blotch and leaf blotch in wheat, rice, barley, maize, coffee, beans, onions and other vegetables.
Harvestor XL 250 SC -500ml
Harvestor XL 250 SC is a suspension concentrate systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases such as rusts, scalds, spot blotch and leaf blotch in wheat, rice, barley, maize, coffee, beans, onions and other vegetables. Contains Azoxystrobin 250g/L with systemic, translaminar and protectant properties.
Mistress 72 WP Fungicide -1kg
Mistress 72WP is a broad spectrum contact and systemic fungicide used against early and late blight on potatoes; a late blight on tomatoes; downy mildew on snow peas, onions, and roses; bean rust, bean anthracnose, powdery mildew on cucurbits and angular leaf spot on French beans.
Mistress 72 WP Fungicide -240g
Mistress 72WP is a broad spectrum contact and systemic fungicide used against early and late blight on potatoes; a late blight on tomatoes; downy mildew on snow peas, onions, and roses; bean rust, bean anthracnose, powdery mildew on cucurbits and angular leaf spot on French beans.
T-Buzz 25EC -1Ltr
T-Buzz 25EC is a systemic fungicide for the control of yellow rust of wheat, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose in French beans, coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in coffee and grey leaf spot (GLS) in maize.
T-Buzz 25EC Fungicide – 100ml
T-Buzz 25EC is a systemic foliar fungicide for the control of yellow rust of wheat, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose in French beans, coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in coffee and grey leaf spot (GLS) in maize.