Eazole 25EC - 5 Ltr Original price was: UGX475,000.Current price is: UGX375,000.
NATIVO SC 300 - 5 ltr Original price was: UGX980,000.Current price is: UGX900,000.

T-Buzz 25EC is a systemic foliar fungicide for the control of yellow rust of wheat, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose in French beans, coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in coffee and grey leaf spot (GLS) in maize.

In Stock

Original price was: UGX12,000.Current price is: UGX10,000.


Recommended rates:

-Wheat (Stem rust, Yellow rust): Use 90ml/20 Litres of water or 0.9 litres/Ha in 200 litres water. Apply before disease exceeds 5%.

-Rice (Rice blast): Use 50-75ml/20 litres water (0.5-0.75ml/Ha in 200 litres water). Apply at first signs of disease infection.

-Maize (Grey Leaf Spot): Use 50-75ml/20 litres water (0.5-0.75ml/Ha in 200 litres water).  Apply at first signs of disease infection.

-Coffee (Coffee berry disease –CBD): Use 20ml/20 Litres of water (1 Ltr/Ha in 1000 litres water.

PHI: Wheat, Rice, Maize and Coffee 35days from the application.

Composition: Tebuconazole 250g/L

Weight 0.1 kg


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Ningbo Sunjoy Agroscience Ltd, China.
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